dimanche 14 septembre 2008

Curriculum Vitae


Birth date: 10.25.63
Citizenship: French
Married, 3 children

After having being grown up in Paris, I reached the School of Medicine at the Pierre & Marie Curie University (Paris VI) from 1982 to 1989. I then achieved one year Military Duty in Central Africa, as Medical Doctor, at the 9th Overseas Marines Unit based in Nantes. I have moved to Lyon in 1990 to achieve my residency in Orthopaedic Surgery and graduated in 1995. My training and current practice are focused on Hip and Knee surgery. I have both a Public and Private practices in the Croix Rousse University Hospital with the position of Associate Director along with Professor Philippe Neyret. I am in charge of the hip practice and have a special interest in cementless hip replacements, conservative solutions and minimally invasive approaches.
I am currently in Australia for one year fellowship, aiming to share practices and research issues with different colleagues toward knee and hip replacements and repair.
- Graduate Degree in General Surgery (1994)
- Doctor in Medecine (Thesis Lyon 10.24.95)
- Graduate Degree in Orthopaedic Surgery (10.31.95)
- University Training in Arthroscopy (1997)
- Graduate Degree in Biomechanics (09.17.2001)

- French Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Society (SO.F.C.O.T.)
- French Hip & Knee Society (S.F.H.G)
- French Arthroscopic Association (S.F.A)

Visiting Scientist at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota) from July to September 2004
Open Travelling Felloship Australia January to November 2008



1. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Knee Osteotomy for osteoarthritis with varus or valgus deformity, The Institute of Orthopaedics/The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust Stanmore, UK, May 15-16, 1996.
2. AÏT SI SELMI T., CHATAIN F., NEYRET Ph., Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty : Biomaterials, design and kinematic considerations,International Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Symposium Nuremberg (Germany),April 3-4, 1998.
3. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Les séquences chirurgicales dans les reprises aseptiques de prothèse du genou,3ème Symposium International du Genou, Strasbourg, 24-27 novembre 1999.
4. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., CHATAIN F., Résultats des Prothèses unicompartimentales,19ème Congresso nacional de ortopedia e traumatologia. SPOT. Aveiro,(Portugal), Novembro 1999.
5. AÏT SI SELMI T., TROJANI C., TABUTIN J., BOILEAU P., NEYRET Ph., Les fractures fémorales et tibiales autour des PTG, 21èmes Journées d’Orthopédie de Fort de France, 19-23 mars 2001.
6. AÏT SI SELMI T., ZANONE X., NEYRET Ph., PTG et ostéotomie tibiale decorrection simultanée, 21èmes Journées d’Orthopédie de Fort de France, 19-23 mars 2001.
7. AÏT SI SELMI T., JACQUOT L., NEYRET Ph., HLS total knee arthroplasty: a report of 610 continuous cases, 3rd Biennial ISAKOS Congress in Montreux (SWITZERLAND), May 14-18, 2001.
8. AÏT SI SELMI T., JACQUOT L., NEYRET Ph., Malunions and total knee replacement, 3rd Biennial ISAKOS Congres in Montreux (SWITZERLAND), May 14-18, 2001.
9. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Reprises de PTG, 6ème Réunion de l’AFJO (Association France Japon d’Orthopédie), Osaka (JAPAN), 11-14 mai 2001.
10. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., OTV (Ostéotomie Tibiale de Valgisation), Expérience Lyonnaise,Congrès SLAOT (Société Latino-Américaine d’Orthopédie-Traumatologie), San Salvador, (El SALVADOR), 24-27 octobre 2001.
11. AIT SI SELMI T., JACQUOT L., NEYRET Ph., Restitution de l’interligne dans les révisions de prothèses totales du genou,IV° Journées d’Orthopédie du Nordest. Vidago (PORTUGAL), 24-26 janvier 2002.
12. AIT SI SELMI T, ZANONE X., NEYRET Ph., Retentissement Arthrosique Fémoro-tibial des cals vicieux
rotatoires des membres inférieurs AOLF, Bucarest, (ROMANIA),14-17 mai 2002.
13. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Planification de PTG dans les grandes déformations en varus, 12ème Congrès de société d’Orthopédie et Traumatologie de l’Est (SOTEST), Beaune, 14 et 15 juin 2002.
14. AÏT SI SELMI T., CHOUTEAU J., KOUBAA M., NEYRET Ph., Restitution de l’interligne articulaire dans les reprises de prothèse totale de genou ou « équilibrage osseux », SO.F.C.O.T., 78ème Réunion Annuelle, 13novembre 2003.
15. AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Etude critique de l’axe bi-épicondylien 24°Journées Caribéennes d’Orthopédie, Fort de France, février 2004.
16. AÏT SI SELMI T, ZANONE X., NEYRET Ph. Knee osteoarthritis secondary to torsional malunion: Physiopathology & therapeutic principles. Symposium (D. Goutalier) ESSKA, Athenes, 4-8 mai 2004
17. AIT SI SELMI T.Examens complémentaires devant un genou douloureux de l’adulte. Conférence d’enseignement. SOFCOT, Paris, November 5, 2007
18. T Ait Si Selmi, Ph Neyret, P. Chambat, JF Potel, F. DubranaRésultats finaux à 2 ans de la greffe de chondrocytes dans un hydrogel dans les lésions du condyle fémoral Cartipatch®SOFCOT Paris, 5 novembre 2007
19. T. AIT SI SELMI, JF. POTELChirurgie de Cartilage : techniques actuelles, perspectives d’avenir. Journées de Kinésithérapie, SOFCOT, Paris, November 8, 2007


1. NEYRET Ph., AÏT SI SELMI T., DEJOUR D., Pathologie de la hanche et du genou chez le sportif de plus de 50 ans, Rhumatologie1996, 48, 8, 245-248.
2. AÏT SI SELMI T., TAYOT O., TROJANI C., NEYRET Ph., Gestes ligamentaires dans l’équilibrage des prothèses totales du genou. Chirurgie prothétique du genou, 9èmes Journées Lyonnaises de Chirurgie du Genou et de l’Epaule, Sauramps Médical, p. 21, 1999.
3. Casalonga D, Ait Si Selmi T, Robinson A, Neyret P.Peroperative accidental contamination of bone-tendon-bone graft for the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Report of 4 cases]Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 1999 Nov;85(7):740-3.
4. ZANONE X., AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Prothèse totale et ostéotomie tibiale de correction simultanée, pour gonarthrose sur genu varum excessif constitutionnel.Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique 85, p. 749-756, 1999.
5. Dejour H, Dejour D, Aït Si Selmi T. Chronic anterior laxity of the knee treated with free patellar graft and extra-articular lateral plasty: 10-year follow-up of 148 casesRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 1999 Dec;85(8):777-89
6. AÏT SI SELMI T., CHATAIN F., NEYRET Ph., Unicompartmental knee replacement. Biomaterials, design and kinematics considerations. Traumalinc, novembre 2000, 2:2, p.13.
7. CHAMBAT P., AÏT SI SELMI T., DEJOUR D., DESNOYERS J., Varus tibial osteotomy. Operative techniques insports medicine, W.B. Saunders Company, January 2000, Vol 8, N° 1, p. 44-47.
8. NEYRET Ph., ZUPPI G., AÏT SI SELMI T., Tibial deflexion osteotomy.Operative techniques in sports medicine,W.B. Saunders Company, January 2000, Vol 8, N° 1, p. 61-66.
9. TAYOT O, AIT SI SELMI T, NEYRET P.Results at 11.5 years of a series of 376 posterior stabilized HLS1 total knee replacements. Survivorship analysis, and risk factors for failure.Knee. 2001 Oct;8(3):195-205
10. Bouattour K, Châtain F, Ait Si Selmi T, Neyret P.Arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligamentRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2002 Apr;88(2):130-8.
11. Chol C, Ait Si Selmi T, Chambat P, Dejourdagger H, Neyret P.Seventeen year outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a intact or repaired medial meniscusRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2002 Apr;88(2):157-62..
12. NEYRET Ph., RIVAT P., AÏT SI SELMI T., Etapes et stratégies des différents systèmes prothétiquespostérostabilisés, In « La Gonarthrose » M. BONNIN, P. CHAMBAT, Springer, Paris, 2002, 695-715.
13. NEYRET Ph., GUYEN O., AÏT SI SELMI T., La prothèse totale du genou sur genu varum sévère constitutionnel. In « La Gonarthrose » M. BONNIN, P. CHAMBAT, Springer, Paris, 2002, 366-375.
14. NEYRET Ph., TROJANI C., TABUTIN J., AÏT SI SELMI T. Fractures fémorales et tibiales autour des prothèses de genou, Encycl. Méd. Chir. (Elsevier Paris), Techniques Chirurgicales-Orthopédie-Traumatologie, 2002, 44-854.
15. JACQUOT L., AÏT SI SELMI T., NEYRET Ph., Les prothèses totales du genou postéro-stabilisées : résultats à 5 et 10 ans. Cah. Ens. SO.F.C.O.T., Prothèses totales du genou, Duparc, Ed, vol. 81, 2002, 258-273.
16. JACQUOT L., AÏT SI SELMI T., SERVIEN E., NEYRET Ph., Prothèses totales du genou avec plateau tout polyéthylène : suivi de 162 prothèses avec un recul moyen de 4, 5 ans. Rev. Chir. Orthop., 2002, vol. 88, suppl.n°6, 2002.
17. AÏT SI SELMI T., JACQUOT L., NEYRET Ph., Combined Total knee Arthroplasty and High TibialOstéotomy,Techniques in knee surgery, 2002, vol. 1, Number 2, 128-136.
18. AÏT SI SELMI T., CHOUTEAU J., NEYRET Ph., Techniques des changements de prothèse totale du genou : étapes et stratégies. Cah. D’Ens. de la SO.F.C.O.T., Reprises de prothèses totales du genou, Duparc, Ed, vol.84, 2003, 17-30.
19. Servien E, Ait Si Selmi T, Neyret P.Study of the patellar apex in objective patellar dislocationRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2003 Nov;89(7):605-12.
20. Bonin N, Ait Si Selmi T, Dejour D, Neyret P.Knee para-articular flexion and extension osteotomies in adultsOrthopade. 2004 Feb;33(2):193-200. German.
21. Servien E, Aït Si Selmi T, Neyret P.Subjective evaluation of surgical treatment for patellar instabilityRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2004 Apr;90(2):137-42.
22. Bonin N, Ait Si Selmi T, Donell ST, Dejour H, Neyret P.Anterior cruciate reconstruction combined with valgus upper tibial osteotomy: 12 years follow-up.Knee. 2004 Dec;11(6):431-7.
23. Cassard X, Verdonk R, Almqvist KF, Nourrissat G, Thoreux P, Kerdilès N, Charrois O, Katabi M, Kelberine F, Candoni P, Aït Si Selmi T, Hulet C, Billot N, Beaufils P, Bamberg A, Pujol N, Gihr D, Accadbled F.Meniscal repairRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2004 Dec;90(8 Suppl):3S49-75. PMID: 15850061
24. Yercan HS, Ait Si Selmi T, Sugun TS, Neyret P.Tibiofemoral instability in primary total knee replacement: a review, Part 1: Basic principles and classification.Knee. 2005 Aug;12(4):257-66.
25. Yercan HS, Ait Si Selmi T, Neyret P.The treatment of patellofemoral osteoarthritis with partial lateral facetectomy.Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2005 Jul;(436):14-9.
26. Yercan HS, Ait Si Selmi T, Sugun TS, Neyret P.Tibiofemoral instability in primary total knee replacement: A review Part 2: diagnosis, patient evaluation, and treatment.Knee. 2005 Oct;12(5):336-40.
27. Yercan HS, Sugun TS, Bussiere C, Ait Si Selmi T, Davies A, Neyret P.Stiffness after total knee arthroplasty: prevalence, management and outcomes.Knee. 2006 Mar;13(2):111-7. Epub 2006 Feb 20.
28. Potel JF, Ait Si Selmi T, Barnouin L, Bussière C, Chambat P, Dubrana F, Hutasse S, Laganier L, Neyret P, Noyer D.Autologous chondrocyte implantation seaded in an alginate-agarose gel plug (Cartipatch™) Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2005 Dec;91(S8):61-62.
29. Aït Si Selmi T, Fithian D, Neyret P.The evolution of osteoarthritis in 103 patients with ACL reconstruction at 17 years follow-up.Knee. 2006 Oct;13(5):353-8
30. Lustig S, Servien E, Aït Si Selmi T, Neyret P.Factors affecting reliability of TT-TG measurements before and after medialization: A CT-scan studyRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2006 Sep;92(5):429-36.
31. Pinaroli A, Aït Si Selmi T, Servien E, Neyret P.Surgical management of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee: Retrospective analysis of 28 casesRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2006 Sep;92(5):437-47.
32. Dojcinovic S, Ait Si Selmi T, Servien E, Verdonk PC, Neyret P.A comparison of all-polyethylene and metal-backed tibial components in total knee arthroplastyRev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2007 Jun;93(4):364-72.



1. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOSCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. Posterior MIS Approach: Technicalconsiderations. Lyons Hip Meeting, Lyon, France, December 15, 2003.
2. T. AÏT SI SELMI, Ch. BUSSIERE, Ph. NEYRET. THA Current Concepts (MIS, Resufacing, Revisions)Lyons Rhumathologists Association, Lyon,France, February 20, 2004.
3. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOSCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. MIS Posterior Approach : preliminary results.24th French Caribbean Annual Meeting, Fort de France, Martinique, February 2004.
4. T. AÏT SI SELMI. MIS Posterior Approach: Technical considerations.Tricks and Tips Meeting, Brest, France, April 2004
5. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, Ph. NEYRET. MIS Total Hip Atrhroplasties.Innovative Techniques in Orthopaedic Implants - 4th Meeting, Saint-Étienne, France, June 10, 2004.
6. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOSCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. MIS posterior Approach.Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty Advanced Course, Berder, France, June 17-19, 2004.
7. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. Minimally Invasive THA.Region Rhône-Alpes - MIRA Exchange Program, Beijing, China, September 15, 2004
8. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. Minimally Invasive THA.Region Rhône-Alpes – MIRA Exchange Program, Shanghai, China, September 17, 2004.
9. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. DOJCINOVIC, S. LUSTIG, Ph. NEYRET. Minimally Invasive THA .Swiss Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, September 23-25, 2004.
10. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. PTH Mini-Invasive.Claude-Bernard University Annual Meeting, Pierre Benite, France, October 16, 2004.
11. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. PTH par voie Mini-Invasive Postérieure.Orthopaedic Surgery Study Group (GECO), Les Arcs, France, January 19, 2005
12. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, Ph. NEYRET. PTH par Voie d’Abord Postérieure réduite.CHIREC, Brussels, Belgium, April 25, 2005
13. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET Accuracy of implant positioning usingSpecific Angled Instrumentation in posterior MIS: prospective series of 120 THAFrench – Japanese Orthopaedic Association / 8th Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, May 6-8, 2005
14. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, Ph. NEYRET. Accuracy of implant positioning usingSpecific Angled Instrumentation in posterior MIS: prospective series of 120 THA.HIP’ 2005, Toulouse, France, September 28-30, 2005
15. S. DOJCINOVIC, T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, Ph. NEYRET Accuracy of implant positioning using Specific Angled Instrumentation in posterior MIS: prospective series of 120 THA Swiss Orthopaedic Association, Montreux, 2005
16. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. DOJCINOVIC. MIS Hip Surgery in SportsCurrent Practice in Sports Trauma, Chambery, France, October 1th, 2005
17. T. AÏT SI SELMI, DJ BERRY. Extra large uncemented hemispherical acetabular components forrevision total hip arthroplasty: results at a mean of 12 years.MAOA (Mid-America Orthopaedic Association), San Antonio, Texas, April 19-23, 2006
18. T. AIT SI SELMI, M. BONNIN. Sacrifice osseux acétabulaire dans les prothèses totales de hanche de première intention. Inaugural SpeechFrench Hip and Knee Society (SFHG), Musée de la Marine, March 29, 2007.
19. R. Debarge, S. Lustig, P. Neyret, T. AIT SI Selmi. Confrontation of the radiographic preoperative planning with the postoperative data for uncemented total hip arthroplastyFrench Orthopaedic Society, November 6th 2007
20. A. Pinaroli, F Lavoie, JC. Cartillier, Ph. Neyret, T. Ait Si Selmi. Conservative femoral stem revision: avoiding therapeutic escalation.French Orthopaedic Society, November 8th 2007
21. T. AIT SI SELMITripolar cup in THA dislocation (Gyros™).Que hay de Nuevo?, Madrid, November 16, 2007


1. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S.LUSTIG., S.DOJCINOVIC ., Ph. NEYRET. THA through Posterior MIS ApproachIn : Tricks & Tips in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Ed. Sauramps Médical, 2004.
2. T. AÏT SI SELMI, D. J. BERRY. Extra-Large Uncemented Hemispherical Acetabular Components for Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Results at a Mean of 12 Years
The Journal of Arthroplasty February 2006 (Vol. 21, Issue 2, Page 309)
3. T. AÏT SI SELMI, S. LUSTIG, S. DOJCINOVIC, PH. NEYRET. Morbidity and reliability of total hip implants positioning using the posterior minimally invasive approach: a consecutive series of 100 casesRev Chir Orthop. 2006 Dec;92(8):752-9.
4. T. AIT SI SELMI, M. MICHEL, L. JACQUOT, S. LUSTIG : MIS Total hip Arthroplasties. Medico-Surgical Encyclopedia (EMC), Elsevier Editor, 2008 [In press]
5. R. Debarge, S. Lustig, P. Neyret, T.AIT SI Selmi. Confrontation of the radiographic preoperative planning with the postoperative data for uncemented total hip arthroplastyRev. Chir. Orthop., 2008 [In press]
6. A. Pinaroli, F Lavoie, JC. Cartillier, Ph. Neyret, T. Ait Si Selmi. Conservative femoral stem revision: avoiding therapeutic escalation. J. arthroplasty, 2008 [In press]

Current Manuscripts

1. J. Henry, Sd AUTHOR (to be determined), M. Bonnin, T. Ait Si Selmi.Acetabular bone stock in primary THA : Sparing or sacrificing?
2. S. LUSTIG, JB PIALLAT, S. BRUMBY (confirmed), S. CHOMEL, T. AIT SI SELMIAssessment of femoral anteversion restitution with the Corail™ stem: a consecutive series of 100 pre and post op CT-Scanns.
3. S. LUSTIG, JB PIALLAT, S. BRUMBY (to be confirmed), S. CHOMEL, T. AIT SI SELMIAssessment of femoral off-set restitution with the Corail™ stem: a consecutive series of 100 pre and post op CT-Scanns.
4. G. DEMEY, Sd AUTHOR (to be determined), Ch. St PIERRET, AIT SI SELMIBiomechanical study: collared vs collarless Corail™ Stem: a cadaveric study (20 specimens)
5. Ph. , Sd AUTHOR (to be determined), S. LUSTIG, T. AIT SI SELMITHA planning: Is the tip of the troch the top?
6. S. LUSTIG, Sd AUTHOR (to be determined), T. AIT SI SELMITHA in elderly through a posterior approach: bad feature for a good issue! Consecutive series of 150 mobile bearing cups with a min follow up of one year.
7. First Author (to be determined), S. LUSTIG, T. AIT SI SELMIMiss-matched ceramic head-cup squeaked! How it happened? How to prevent? Report of two cases.

1. Robert-Pachot M, Desbos A, Moreira A, Becchi M, Tebib J, Bonnin M, Aitsiselmi T, Bienvenu J, Fabien N.A new target for autoantibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Jun;1108:382-91.
2. Robert-Pachot M, Desbos A, Moreira A, Becchi M, Tebib J, Bonnin M, Aitsiselmi T, Bienvenu J, Fabien N.Carbonic anhydrase III: a new target for autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases.Autoimmunity. 2007 Jul;40(5):380-9.
3. Rivollier A, Mazzorana M, Tebib J, Piperno M, Aitsiselmi T, Rabourdin-Combe C, Jurdic P, Servet-Delprat C.Immature dendritic cell transdifferentiation into osteoclasts: a novel pathway sustained by the rheumatoid arthritis microenvironment.Blood. 2004 Dec 15;104(13):4029-37. Epub 2004 Aug 12.
Professional exchanges
Dr Manjit Bhamra (Leeds, 2003)
Dr Dan. Berry (Mayo Clinic, July / September 2004)
Dr Sam Sidney (Baltimore, March 22, 2005)
Dr Pierre M. Witschger (Münsingen, April 2005)
Dr Markus M. Michel (Münsingen, 25 April 2005)
Pr. Philippe Chiron (Toulouse, 7 October 2005)
Dr. Roger Oakeshott (Adelaide, Australia, May 2006)

Programs for Local Professionals
- MIS Posterior Appraoach .- T. AÏT SI SELMI « Mardis de Livet », Lyon March 3, 2004.
- Corail® stem in revision - A. PINAROLI, JC. CARTILLIER, T. AÏT SI SELMI, ARTRO Group. « Mardis
de Livet », Lyon November 15, 2005.
- Antero-lateral MIS hip approach. – Pr. P. CHIRON (Lyon, 3 janvier 2006). « Mardis de Livet », Lyon
January 3, 2006.

Study Group Meetings
- Minimal Access Surgery.
Orlando, December 13, 2002.
- Minimal Access Surgery.
AAOS San Francisco, 2003.
- Navigation CI
AAOS Washington, Mach 21-22, 2005.
-Resurfacing Meeting (ASR Depuy).
Brussels, July 8, 2005.



1. Designing new resurfacing concept to address lacks of current features
2. Solide Autologous Chondrocyte Implant (Cartipatch™) : current evaluation
3. Development of a ligament healing supervisor for knee ACL early recovery
4. Corail Finite Element Model in collaboration with Depuy™ R&D (Ch. SAINT-PIERRE). 3D reconstruction from a cadeveric femur. Technological Institute of Montluçon as part of a Master « Bureau d’étude, Direction Pr. Florence LABESSE.